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Melina Mason

Cup SizeF
Cup TypeFake
Meas.F-25 in-36 in
Height5 ft 2 in
BirthdayMay 26, 1990
CountryUnited States
Bikini Queen Melina Mason Is Waiting On


When you see the sexy adult starlet Melina Mason’s smoking hot body in some of our skimpy bikinis the pleasure center of your brain will probably rattle off a string of adjectives like juicy, voluptuous or mouth-watering. Our favorite would be “luscious” especially that booty begging to be squeezed and given a few smacks. Ironically an antonym of luscious would be nasty which could aptly describe some of the sex Melina enjoys when performing for all her fans. Melina has always had a strong sex drive and fortunately she does what she loves.